1,442 research outputs found

    Linked Data Methodologies for Managing Information about Television Content

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    OntoTV is a television information management system designed for improving the quality and quantity of the information available in the current television platforms. In order to achieve this objective, OntoTV (1) collects the information offered by the broadcasters, (2) integrates it into a ontology-based data structure, (3) extracts extra data from alternative television sources, and (4) makes possible for the user to perform queries over the stored information. This document shows the way Linked Data methodologies have been applied in OntoTV system, and the improvements in the data consumption and publication processes that have been obtained as result. On the one hand, the possibility of accessing to information available in the Web of Data has made possible to offer more complete descriptions about the programs, as well as more detailed guides than those obtained by using classic collection methods. On the other hand, as the information of the television programs and channels is published according to the Linked Data philosophy, it becomes available not only for OntoTV clients, but also for other agents able to access Linked Data resources, who could offer the viewer more fresh and innovative features

    Harmonizing Global Voices: Culturally-Aware Models for Enhanced Content Moderation

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    Content moderation at scale faces the challenge of considering local cultural distinctions when assessing content. While global policies aim to maintain decision-making consistency and prevent arbitrary rule enforcement, they often overlook regional variations in interpreting natural language as expressed in content. In this study, we are looking into how moderation systems can tackle this issue by adapting to local comprehension nuances. We train large language models on extensive datasets of media news and articles to create culturally attuned models. The latter aim to capture the nuances of communication across geographies with the goal of recognizing cultural and societal variations in what is considered offensive content. We further explore the capability of these models to generate explanations for instances of content violation, aiming to shed light on how policy guidelines are perceived when cultural and societal contexts change. We find that training on extensive media datasets successfully induced cultural awareness and resulted in improvements in handling content violations on a regional basis. Additionally, these advancements include the ability to provide explanations that align with the specific local norms and nuances as evidenced by the annotators' preference in our conducted study. This multifaceted success reinforces the critical role of an adaptable content moderation approach in keeping pace with the ever-evolving nature of the content it oversees.Comment: 12 pages, 8 Figures. Supplementary materia

    Analytical simulation of RBS spectra of nanowire samples

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    Almost all, if not all, general purpose codes for analysis of Ion Beam Analysis data have been originally developed to handle laterally homogeneous samples only. This is the case of RUMP, NDF, SIMNRA, and even of the Monte Carlo code Corteo. General-purpose codes usually include only limited support for lateral inhomogeneity. In this work, we show analytical simulations of samples that consist of a layer of parallel oriented nanowires on a substrate, using a model implemented in NDF. We apply the code to real samples, made of vertical ZnO nanowires on a sapphire substrate. Two configurations of the nanowires were studied: 40 nm diameter, 4.1 μm height, 3.5% surface coverage; and 55 nm diameter, 1.1 μm height, 42% surface coverage. We discuss the accuracy and limits of applicability of the analysisAuthors thank funding from projects CTQ2014-53334-C2-2-R (MINECO, Spain) and NANOAVANSENS S2013/MIT 3029 (Comunidad de Madrid). A.R.C. acknowledges Juan de la Cierva program (under contract number JCI-2012-14509). This work was partially funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia under grant UID/Multi/04349/201

    Zinc nitride thin films: Basic properties and applications

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    A. Redondo-Cubero, M. Gómez-Castaño, C. García Núñez, M. Domínguez, L. Vázquez, J. L. Pau , "Zinc nitride thin films: basic properties and applications", Oxide-based Materials and Devices VIII, Proc. SPIE 10105, 101051B (24 February 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2253044. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibitedProceedings of VIII Oxide-based Materials and Devices Conference (San Francisco, California, United States)Zinc nitride films can be deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering using a Zn target at substrate temperatures lower than 250°C. This low deposition temperature makes the material compatible with flexible substrates. The asgrown layers present a black color, polycrystalline structures, large conductivities, and large visible light absorption. Different studies have reported about the severe oxidation of the layers in ambient conditions. Different compositional, structural and optical characterization techniques have shown that the films turn into ZnO polycrystalline layers, showing visible transparency and semi-insulating properties after total transformation. The oxidation rate is fairly constant as a function of time and depends on environmental parameters such as relative humidity or temperature. Taking advantage of those properties, potential applications of zinc nitride films in environmental sensing have been studied in the recent years. This work reviews the state-of-the-art of the zinc nitride technology and the development of several devices such as humidity indicators, thin film (photo)transistors and sweat monitoring sensors.This research is supported by the MINECO (CTQ2014-53334-C2-2-R) and Comunidad de Madrid (NANOAVANSENS ref. S2013/MIT-3029). ARC acknowledges Ramón y Cajal program (under contract number RYC-2015-18047

    Closed-loop controller for eliminating the contact bounce in DC core contactors

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    The undesirable phenomenon of the contact bounce causes severe erosion of the contacts and, as a consequence, their electrical life and reliability are greatly reduced. On the other hand, the bounce of the armature can provoke re-opening of the contacts, even when they have already been closed. This paper deals with the elimination of the bounce in both contacts and armature of a commercial dc core contactor. This is achieved by means of a current closed-loop controller, which only uses as input the current and voltage of the contactor’s magnetizing coil. The logic control has been implemented in a low cost microcontroller. Moreover, the board control can be fed by either dc or ac, and either in 50 Hz or 60 Hz so as to extend its applicability. A set of data is obtained from the measurement of the position and velocity of the movable parts for different operating voltages, and the dynamic behavior of the contactor is discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Self-organized nanopattrening of silicon surfaces by ion beam sputtering

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    In recent years Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) has revealed itself as a powerful technique to induce surface nanopatterns with a large number of potential applications. These structures are produced in rather short processing times and over relatively large areas, for a wide range of materials, such as metals, insulators, and semiconductors. In particular, silicon has become a paradigmatic system due to its technological relevance, as well as to its mono-elemental nature, wide availability, and production with extreme flatness. Thus, this review focuses on the IBS nanopatterning of silicon surfaces from the experimental and the theoretical points of view. First, the main experimental results and applications are described under the light of the recently established evidence on the key role played by simultaneous impurity incorporation during irradiation, which has opened a new scenario for an improved understanding of the phenomenon. Second, the progress and state-of-art of the theoretical descriptions of the IBS nanopatterning process for this type of targets are discussed. We summarize the historical approach to IBS through simulation techniques, with an emphasis on recent information from Molecular Dynamics methods, and provide a brief overview of the earlier and most recent continuum models for pure and compound systems.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministries of Science and Innovation (grants Nos. FIS2009-12964-C05-01, FIS2009-12964-C05-03, FIS2009-12964-C05-04, and BES-2010-036179) and of Economy and Competitiveness (grants Nos. FIS2012-38866-C05-01 and FIS2012-38866-C05-05, FIS2012-32349 and FIS2013-47949-C2-2). A.R.C. also acknowledges funding from SFRH/BPD/74095/2010 (Portugal) and from Juan de la Cierva program (Spain) under contract No. JCI-2012-14509.Publicad

    Social isolation and energy metabolism in rat hippocampus

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    El aislamiento social puede entenderse como una forma de deprivación sensorial. Se sabe que ambientes enriquecidos o complejos estimularmente afectan al SNC tanto a un nivel anatómico como fisiológico. En nuestro estudio, se usaron dos grupos de ratas, uno formado por animales aislados durante 30 días desde el final de la lactancia y un grupo control, que permaneció en grupos de tres animales durante el mismo período. Se analizó en los animales el metabolismo oxidativo cerebral del hipocampo (areas CA1, CA3 y giro dentado) mediante histoquímica para la citocromo c oxidasa (CO). Los resultados muestran un incremento significativo de la actividad CO en todas las regiones estudiadas en el grupo aislado, con diferencias entre las areas hipocampales en ambos grupos. Se discute la sensibilidad de la histoquímica de la CO en el estudio del posible papel activador del estrés en los animales aislado

    Breast cancer biomarker detection through the photoluminescence of epitaxial monolayer MoS2 fakes

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    The following article appeared in Scientific Reports 10 (2020): 16039 and may be found at https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-73029-9In this work we report on the characterization and biological functionalization of 2D MoS2 fakes, epitaxially grown on sapphire, to develop an optical biosensor for the breast cancer biomarker miRNA21. The MoS2 fakes were modifed with a thiolated DNA probe complementary to the target biomarker. Based on the photoluminescence of MoS2, the hybridization events were analyzed for the target (miRNA21c) and the control non-complementary sequence (miRNA21nc). A specifc redshift was observed for the hybridization with miRNA21c, but not for the control, demonstrating the biomarker recognition via PL. The homogeneity of these MoS2 platforms was verifed with microscopic maps. The detailed spectroscopic analysis of the spectra reveals changes in the trion to excitation ratio, being the redshift after the hybridization ascribed to both peaks. The results demonstrate the benefts of optical biosensors based on MoS2 monolayer for future commercial devicesThe research is supported by the MINECO (CTQ2017-84309-C2-2-R, CTQ2017-84309-C2-1-R, ELECTROBIONET, RED2018-102412-T) and Comunidad de Madrid (TRANSNANOAVANSENS, P2018/NMT4349) projects. ARC acknowledges Ramón y Cajal program (under contract number RYC-2015-18047

    Nonuniversality due to inhomogeneous stress in semiconductor surface nanopatterning by low-energy ion-beam irradiation

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    A lack of universality with respect to ion species has been recently established in nanostructuring of semiconductor surfaces by low-energy ion-beam bombardment. This variability affects basic properties of the pattern formation process, like the critical incidence angle for pattern formation, and has remained unaccounted for. Here, we show that nonuniform generation of stress across the damaged amorphous layer induced by the irradiation is a key factor behind the range of experimental observations, as the form of the stress field is controlled by the ion/target combination. This effect acts in synergy with the nontrivial evolution of the amorphous-crystalline interface. We reach these conclusions by contrasting a multiscale theoretical approach, which combines molecular dynamics and a continuum viscous flow model, with experiments using Xe+ and Ar+ ions on a Si(100) target. Our general approach can apply to a variety of semiconductor systems and conditions.This work has been partially supported by MICINN (Spain) Grant MAT2011-13333-E, and MINECO (Spain) Grants FIS2012-38866-C05-01, FIS2012-38866-C05-05, FIS2013-47949-C2-2-P and FIS2012-32349. TEM work has been conducted at LABMET laboratory, associated with Red de Laboratorios of CAM, Spain. A.M.-B. acknowledges support from MINECO, through FPI scolarship BES-2010-036179. A.R.C. acknowledges funding from Juan de la Cierva program (Spain) under Contract No. JCI-2012-14509.Publicad